Bauhaus Dessau: Architecture-Design-Concept
Bauhaus Dessau: Architecture-Design-Concept
Original Price: $35.00
By Kirsten Baumann
Walter Gropius's Bauhaus Dessau was, from 1925 to 1932, the headquarters of the famous Bauhaus School of Design. After a dozen years of National Socialist use and then half a century's worth of restoration, it is now a UNESCO world cultural-heritage site, attracting some 80,000 visitors a year who seek the roots of twentieth century Modernism. This is the first book of photographs to document Gropius's masterpiece since its renovation, and it features more than 110 black-and-white images of the building and its wide range of architectural and artistic textures. It illustrates its history, its architectural elements and the interior design created for it by the Bauhaus artists, as well as its functions then and since: Bauhaus Dessau describes the work carried out in the former workshops and their most important products. For its original denizens—and again, at last, for those who visit today—the architecture, design and philosophy of the Bauhaus itself are inseparably connected to one another.
144 pages
Jovis, 2007
8.5 x 0.8 x 10.8 inches
ISBN 9783939633112
Bauhaus, Photography, Art History