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Frances Palmer: Life in the Studio

Frances Palmer: Life in the Studio


Frances Palmer: Life in the Studio

By Frances Palmer

To step into potter Frances Palmer’s world is to be surrounded by the trappings of a life that has been intentionally—and painstakingly—built to maximize creativity. A light-filled, airy studio in which to make her pottery, with a corner always at the ready for her daily photo shoots. Cutting gardens overflowing with flowers to be snipped as inspiration strikes. Shelves of cookbooks to peruse as she plans the menu of her next dinner party, and museum catalogs and art books to pore over when it’s time to imagine a new vessel. After 30 years as an artist and entrepreneur, Palmer has learned how to cultivate a life that brings out her best. Those years have been at once rewarding and challenging, fruitful and fraught, and through it all, she has discovered the things that matter most: determination, routine, prioritization, perseverance, and perspective. She has distilled these hard-won lessons, and more, into her debut book, a manual for current and aspiring creatives.

256 pages
8.3 x 1 x 10 inches 
Artisan, 2020
ISBN 9781579659059

$35.00 $35.00